A row of Irish coffees served at 的 Buena Vista Cafe.

San Francisco's Historic Buena Vista Cafe

贝博体彩app可能不是爱尔兰咖啡的发源地,但我们是它的第二故乡. 自1952年以来, visitors have come for Buena Vista Café’s Irish Coffee, a recipe perfected right here in San Francisco.

的 Historic Buena Vista Café

的 building housing the Buena Vista Café started as a boarding house. In 1916, the first floor was transformed into a saloon. This was the start of what would become a San Francisco landmark, known across the country for its menu and history. Visitors come from around the world for fresh Dungeness crab, the breakfast served daily (until 1:30 p.m.), and a selection of lunch and dinner favorites.

While the Buena Vista Café is known for many things, 它最著名的成就是将爱尔兰咖啡引入美国. It was a November night in 1952 when the owner, Jack Koeppler, 向普利策奖得主、国际旅行作家斯坦顿·德拉普兰提出挑战,要求他复制爱尔兰香农机场供应的爱尔兰咖啡.

经过多次试验和错误,以及参观香农机场,他们几乎成功了. However, they couldn’t get the last piece of the puzzle right. 奶油不会像原来那样浮在咖啡上. 的y didn’t give up. 他们向当时的贝博体彩app市长埃尔默·罗宾逊(Elmer“Rob-Rob”Robinson)寻求建议,他也拥有一家奶牛场. 他们发现,放置48小时的面霜更容易浮起来. A legend was born.

咖啡馆从创立之初就没有太大变化,爱尔兰咖啡的配方也没有太大变化. 今天, many bars and restaurants serve this marvelous hot beverage, made possible by the persistence of the Buena Vista Café.

Making an Irish Coffee

虽然没有什么能比得上真正的布埃纳维斯塔咖啡馆的爱尔兰咖啡, 你可以在家里尝试复制这个食谱,从中获得很多乐趣.

  1. 用热水预热杯子,然后倒空.
  2. Fill ¾ of the glass with high-quality hot coffee.
  3. Add two cocktail sugar cubes.
  4. Stir the coffee until all of the sugar has dissolved.
  5. Add 1½ ounces of Irish whiskey.
  6. Using a spoon, gently pour lightly whipped cream over the top.
  7. 享受!

Menu Favorites

Come for the Irish coffee; stay for the delicious 食物! 一些最受欢迎的菜单项目包括熏鲑鱼蛋本尼迪克特和邓杰尼斯螃蟹煎蛋卷, 或者选择高品质的100%安格斯牛肉汉堡和牛排. Don’t forget to order traditional bread pudding for dessert.

Getting 的re

无论你在贝博体彩app的哪个地方,去布埃纳维斯塔咖啡馆都很简单. 的 most common method is to take a 缆车. 鲍威尔街和海德街的任何一辆开往 Fisherman’s Wharf 到海德街和比奇街拐角处的咖啡馆门口好吗.

市政 offers several other options to reach the Buena Vista Café. Any of the following lines will get you there:

  • F-Market and Wharves
  • 19-Polk
  • 30-Stockton
  • 39-Coit
  • 49-Van Ness/Mission

如果你从渔人码头步行,你会发现咖啡馆就在水上公园的上方. Walk along Jefferson Street towards the Golden Gate Bridge. Turn left on Hyde Street. 你会发现咖啡馆在海德街和比奇街的拐角处.

Nearby 景点

的 Buena Vista Café is just a short walk from Fisherman’s Wharf, which boasts a wide variety of exciting activities. 有一些东西可以满足你的兴趣,包括这些热门景点:

Ghirardelli Square

最初建于1862年,作为先锋毛纺厂和贝博体彩app最古老的建筑之一, Ghirardelli广场是一个烹饪目的地,拥有未受破坏的景观 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 Island 还有海湾. Ghirardelli Square has something for all tastes. Come for the views, stay for the Ghirardelli Chocolate!

Musée Mécanique 

的 Musée Mécanique 拥有最大的私人投币古董电子游戏机和乐器收藏, and it costs nothing to walk inside. 你可以花一分钱玩一些游戏,尽管有些游戏要花一美元. A visit to this museum is fun for everyone, from video game novices to vintage video game connoisseurs. Open 365 days a year.

Maritime Research Center

如果你曾经梦想过航行七大洋,或者你对贝博体彩app丰富的航海历史着迷, the Maritime Museum at the Maritime Research Center 是给你的. Step back in time with the collection of 6,000 historical archaeology artifacts, 500,000张照片和600个口述历史,审视了海洋生物的每一个细节.


码头39 一直在贝博体彩app游客遗愿清单的首位. 这是一个吸引各个年龄段的人品尝美味海鲜的目的地, magnificent views, 还有可爱的海狮在表演(甚至还有专门的 Sea Lions Webcam!) Be sure to visit Aquarium of the Bay 来一次水下探险,了解当地的水生动物.

Skygate Sculpture

Don’t leave Fisherman’s Wharf without a visit to Skygate, the outdoor sculpture by artist Roger Barr. 这件作品是一系列贝博体彩app公共艺术作品中的第一件 内河码头.


Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco and the Bay Area, 食物 & drink, outdoor experiences, and cross-cultural storytelling. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩app》和《贝博体彩》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, 非营利组织, and government. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.